Thursday, May 28, 2009

Love this construction stuff!

Here's the latest: fit the other seat side panel, and cut hatch holes in both seat sides. Not being all that familiar with routers, I think I'll wait for Dad to get back before I tackle trimming the hatch holes.


why yes, i'd actually rather be sailing. said...

good collection of info about lake w.

hope the routing goeth well.

Willow Bay Boy said...

Welcome back on line. I got phil to make the side stowage holes big enough to take a flat shaped 12 litre gas tank and then made a small hole in the back of the seat base to bring the hose out of to take it to the engine (see my blog) works a treat and is very neat. Also, we out the hatch for the aft buoyancy chamber in the vertical bulkhead, not the deck - which works well too and keeps the deck cleaner

Courtney & Tara said...

I like both ideas and will definitely give them a look before I proceed. Thanks!